Jumat, 22 November 2013

My Biography

My name is Ilham Setiorizaldi . I live at Hegarmanah Wetan No. 8  Bandung West Java , Indonesia with my siblings or my sister. Her name is Athaya, she also school at SMAN3 Bandung, same like me. I was born at 7th May 1998 at Bandung West Java, Indonesia. My favorite subject is math. I love mathematics because when I solve a hard question I feel like I’m solve all my problems in my life. My favorite food is sushi , because it’s so delicious. My hobbies is playing bicycle and playing uphill. Every Saturday and Sunday I play bicycle with my mother, father and my sister. Nabi Muhammad SAW is the person that makes my mind change or my inspiring person. I wish I can change the world into a better world and make everybody proud with me. Especially my mother and father.

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